100% Success for Whitby Collegiate's Alumni
100% success for Whitby Collegiate alumni
ARTICLE SOURCE: https://www.isnz.org.nz/news/100-success-for-whitby-collegiate-alumni
Whitby Collegiate is flourishing. Tucked away in the leafy suburbs of Whitby (Wellington), the charming school continues to thrive under new management. Despite the threat of closure and a national COVID-19 lockdown, students have shone academically.
All of last year’s Year 13 cohort completed NCEA Level 3 and gained University Entrance; and almost 80% of the group received either a Merit or Excellence at Level 3 endorsement. Additionally, five subject scholarships were awarded to students in the following subjects – physics, chemistry, English and photography.
“I am so proud of our students’ 2020 NCEA results," extolls the school’s Academic Dean, Debbie Mitchell.
"In such a difficult year students really epitomised our school values of respect, resilience, and excellence."
Whole School Photo 2020
The school’s 2020 Year 12 students also had success last year, with 96% attaining Level 2 NCEA.
And finally, in their first year of full NCEA assessments, 93% of last year’s Year 11 group had their Level 1 certificate endorsed with either Merit or Excellence. NCEA Level 1 was awarded to 88% of that year group despite the closure announcement and withdrawal of many of their cohort.
The school will be increasing its curriculum offerings, particularly in the areas of financial literacy, languages and digital technology.
The school’s roll has risen by 27% under new ownership – the largest annual increase that any school in the region has seen. Next month the school will officially open new classrooms in the Pavilion Block, which will accommodate the steady growth in student numbers. There is a building programme still to be completed to cater for projected roll increases in the immediate future.
The number and variety of sports and cultural activities has rapidly increased over the last year. Students can now sign up to 22 clubs on offer, and for 17 sports teams taking the courts, fields and pitches.
Year 9 2021
“Our role is steadily increasing as parents seek out schools that offer a robust education in a nurturing environment," explains the school’s Chief Executive, Shelley Addison.
"The change in philosophy, level of investment and future-focused learning is what makes Whitby Collegiate a modern progressive school, underpinned by its special character and values-based approach to education.
"Excellence, respect and resilience are Whitby Collegiate’s core pillars. Whitby Collegiate looks forward to continued growth and academic success for all of its students in the coming years.”
Level 2 Chemistry
Whitby Collegiate Equestrian Team 2020